Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Theatre Review: Claudie Hukill
Posted: Nov. 30, 2012, 6:16 p.m.
I'll preface this review by saying I'm not a theatre critic, I've never acted in a stage performance, never been around theater much (aside from working lights and sound for a high school production), and I only go to a couple performances a year, if...
Obama's Inauguration
Posted: Jan. 22, 2009, 8:05 p.m.
My close friend Foalpapers and I went to watch Obama's inauguration, and holy crap, what a day! It was like the entire day was one long adrenaline rush; Foalpapers and I didn't have a chance to sit down from the time we got out of his car at the Metro...
I'm a Hockey Fan Now
Posted: Oct. 11, 2015, 4:37 p.m.
Yesterday was SO much fun; I went to the season-opening Washington Capitals hockey game with a group of friends! There were major Metro delays, of course, which messed with our plans, but we did make it to our seats on time. We won the game, by a...
Trucker Harassed By Reluctant State Troopers
Posted: Jan. 20, 2009, 9:39 p.m.
While driving up to Syme's house this evening, for Obama's Inauguration, I flipped on my radio to listen to Virginia State Police, figuring it'd be interesting tonight. Unfortunately, they were fairly over-staffed at that time, so not much to listen to...