> Photography
> Vehicles
> Rolls Royce
Rolls Royce
Posted: February 1, 2014 16:12:55
The new Rolls Royce models are tacky and lack class. The old ones definitely didn't have that problem; even today, a classic Rolls commands a great deal of respect. Washington, DC Auto Show 2014.
Photo: Aperture
f2.8 -
Device: Model
Canon EOS 5D Mark II -
Photo: Creation Date
Feb 01, 2014 16:12 -
Photo: Shutter Speed
1/100 -
Photo: Exposure Compensation
0 -
Photo: Flash Compensation
0 -
Device: Make/Manufacturer
Canon -
Photo: Focal Length
50mm -
Photo: Flash
Off, Did Not Fire -
Photo: ISO
800 -
Lens: Model
EF50mm f/1.4 USM